The universal humidity sensors HYGRASGARD® KAVTF with 6 output variables are used to determine various measured variables in humidity measurement technology. The relative humidity and the temperature of the ambient air are measured. Various parameters are calculated internally from these measured variables.
Two 0-10 V outputs are available for the x - U device version and two 4...20 mA outputs for the x - I version. The output variables for the outputs can be defined using DIP switches. Relative humidity [% RH], absolute humidity [g/m³], mixing ratio [g/kg], dew point temperature [°C] or enthalpy [kJ/kg] (disregarding atmospheric air pressure) can be selected for output 1. Four different measuring ranges for the ambient temperature [°C] can be selected at output 2. The default setting for output 1 is relative humidity 0...100 % RH, for output 2 the temperature measuring range is 0...+50 °C. Thanks to the different configuration options, numerous measurement and control tasks can be solved with just one device.
The devices can be operated in pollutant-free, non-condensing air without negative or positive pressure at the sensors. Areas of application include medical technology, refrigeration technology, air conditioning and clean room technology. The sensors are suitable for duct mounting.
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